Author (s): Zvenyhorodskyi O., Karelin V.

Work place:

Zvenyhorodskyi O.,

PhD in Juridical Sciences,Associate Professor of Criminal
and Penal Law, Criminology Department,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service,Chernihiv, Ukraine;

Karelin V.,

PhD in Juridical Sciences,Associate Professor of Criminal
and Penal Law, Criminology Department,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service,Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2019. № 1 (2): 61–71


The article addresses to the comparative analysis of the educational features and personnel professional development of penitentiary systems of Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany. The standard of higher legal education of future penitentiaries in Ukraine is revealed.The conformity with the standard of higher legal education of future penitentiaries in Ukraine in higher educational establishments of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the need to build the training system for staff of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine on their basis are considered. It is stated that one of the directions of achieving special competences in the field of legal education for the training of personnel of the penitentiary system is the opening of new specializations, which will facilitate the training of highly skilled specialists.

The article focuses on the fact that one of the factors for acquiring appropriate specialist competencies is the feedback of cadets and students with the professional activity in the law enforcement which is based on the knowledge exchange, the formation of a critical thinking and comparative analysis skills.

The selection, training and retraining of personnel of the penitentiary system of the Federal Republic of Germany is analysed. In particular, it is found that the personnel selection is proposed by centralized commissions of personnel selections in federal states or through specific correctional institutions. In the penitentiary system of the Federal Republic of Germany the main role is played by special retraining centers that assess the social competence of the candidate and determine its eligibility for further professional activities.

It was stated that ensuring the needs of the penitentiary system in qualified specialists of the new formation in Ukraine requires the search for new forms in the organization of the educational process, the use of practical experience and maximum approximation of the academic process to the real conditions of service in the Department of Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine.

Key words: penitentiary system, personnel, professional development, competence.


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