Author (s): Spivak V.

Work place:

Spivak V.

Grand PhD philosophical sciences,

Assistant Professor of Department of Pedagogy and Humanities,

Academy of State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2019. № 2 (3): 165–177


The article is devoted to the study of perceptions of life’s success as an element of understanding happiness in the Ukrainian spiritual culture of the Baroque era. The author analyzes the interpretation of representations of a successful human life in the legacy of Anthony Radivilovsky in comparison with the texts of Ioanikii Galyatovsky. Also, for the comparative analysis, the sermons of the Polish authors: Petr Skarga and Tomasz Mlodzianowski were used. The conclusion is drawn about the presence in the domestic philosophical culture of the influence of Protestant and Renaissance ideas about a happy life. The signs of successful life by Ukrainian and Polish authors are recognized: possession of wealth, career growth, power, glory, etc. Most authors express a negative view of this kind of happiness, seeing it as a threat to Christian piety. Instead, Antony Radivilovsky in his teachings tries to direct the aspiration of the congregation to life’s success on the Christian front, arguing the possibility of combining success and piety.

The “good life” of a Christian who promotes happiness is to adhere to the theological and rationally sound rules of conduct based on rewards and punishments and necessary because of the weakness of human nature. Man, using his mind, knowledge of these rules and conscience, is able to choose the right action in a concrete situation and lead a life that will lead to the final goal – the kingdom of heaven.

Consequently, earthly happiness, connected with the possession of earthly goods, in itself is not considered a preacher to be something inevitable bad or sinful, although it may not always be a blessing to man. Happiness and misery on earth are given to a person by God’s will, as a reward or test, therefore it is only from a person that depends on whether it will benefit her or lead to death. Happy people on earth can achieve the ultimate goal of salvation, and may lose soul by forgetting the worldly pleasures of God. Similarly, a miserable person can receive a reward in heaven for his suffering if he sustains them with Christian humility, or to despair and to ruin his soul. So earthly happiness is good when it helps salvation and evil when it becomes an obstacle to it. Naturally, the hedonistic model of happiness is rejected by the preacher.

Key words: history of philosophy, Ukrainian philosophy, baroque, happiness, success.


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