Author (s): Shenderuk O.B.

Work place:

Shenderuk O.B.,

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages,

Academy of the State penitentiary service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;

ORCID: 0000-0003-4147-327X

Language: English

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2020.

№ 2(5): 130–139



The problem of informal education is currently relevant, as the concept was officially introduced by the Law of Ukraine «On Education» of 05.09.2017 № 2145-VIII and in this regard, for some time informal education and informal learning were incorrectly interpreted and, accordingly, were not always applied in time and accurately. Such scientists as I. Zhukevych, V. Isaenko, L. Nikolenko, N. Pavlyk, R. Presner, O. Samoilenko, L. Sigaeva, S. Yablokova and others devoted their works to the issue of informal education.

The term «informal education» comes from English and means such form of education that is purposeful and carefully planned, but not institutionalized. Informal education is the most innovative and everyday simultaneously. It covers home, leisure and self-education. Priority trends of informal education are self-development and self-realization of participants in this process, as well as unconscious acquisition of knowledge. The principles of informal education have been defined. Among them: the principle of voluntariness, personal orientation, systematization, social orientation, and initiative and amateurs activities. The main trends we have defined are disorganization, high motivation of students, spontaneity, lack of a clear plan, the pressure of learning and a certain time; the ability of everyone to be a teacher. Informal education is put into practice due to its own activity in cultural and educational environment. And a person transfers social educational potential into effectual factors of his development. Such education can implement through goal-seeking communication, reading, aching TV programs, attending cultural places of interest, travelling, etc. This type of education can be analyzed as one of its minisystem that is close to self education and is aimed at creating necessary resources for a candidate. The importance of this issue is insufficient development and inaccurate understanding of informal education.

Key words: informal education, informal learning, self-development, innovative education.


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