Автор (s): Ostopolets I.Yu., Sergeeva IV, Stepanova SS

Work place :

Ostopolets I.Yu.,

PhD in Psychology,

Associate Professor of Department of Psychology, Vasyl’Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine;

ORSID: 0000-0001-7315-2062


Sergeeva IV ,

Ph.D. in Psychology,

Associate Professor of Department of Psychology, Donbass State Pedagogical University, Slaviansk, Ukraine;

ORSID: 0000-0002-1357-3081


Stepanova SS ,

Teacher of the Department of Psychology, Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the

Donbass State Pedagogical University, Bakhmut, Ukraine;

ORSID: 0000-0002-7729-7178


Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2023. № 1 (10): 163-173



Матеріали становлять теоретичні аналізи і результати empirical study of problem of relationship between self-attitude and locus of control in students of high education.

Study self-attitude of students of high education показують, що, в цілому, вони мають позитивну атмосферу до них,завдягають їмсамості, як вони є, але їх self-interest, self-management, self-understanding, і autosympathy turned be insufficiently developed. Які вказують на relatively problematic attitude, the presence of an internal conflict. Study of level of subjective control showed that externality prevails among the subjects in such areas of life as: general externality, externality in the area of ​​failures; і міжнародність, власне, в області дій, production, family, interpersonal relationships and health. Те, що вивчаються школярі, ready to take responsibility, де вони реально страждають, вони мають владу, щоб контролювати або змінювати деякий час.

Analysis of peculiarities of relationship between self-attitude and level of subjective control of subjects allows us to state that the relationship between different aspects of self-attitude and locus of control has been revealed. У цілому нині, більший рівень self-esteem, self-acceptance і selfunderstanding, більше, ніж людина, ready to take responsability for achievements, failures, as well as for relationships – family, industrial, interpersonal. Тому, це може бути враховано, що оптимізує увагу донавмисів, self-esteem, веде до посиленої відповідності для одного свого життя.

Key words : self-determination, locus of control, highher education student, personality.


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