Author (s): Nastoyashcha U. V.

Work place:

Nastoyashcha U. V.

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychology,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2018. № 1 (1): 93–103


The article deals with the causes of conflicts in the prisoners’ environment in penitentiary institutions and investigative detention facilities of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, and as one of the forms of prevention as joint activities and staff criminal competence of colonies and detention centers. The article gives the views of various scholars on the nature of conflicts emergence and the reasons that serve this phenomenon. Methods and forms of conflict prevention are considered. It describes a number of procedures for controlling conflict situations as one of the penitentiary institution conflicting competences.

On the basis of practical data and empirical research of scholars, a number of main conflicts causes among convicts and ways to prevent them are presented. An analysis of the evidence suggests that the most typical violations among convicts serving sentences in the form of imprisonment are the incitement of conflicts. Increased emotional excitability of individual convicts contributes to the occurrence of this phenomenon. Most of the participants in the conflicts are carriers of accented consciousness, in which there are contradictions and they are reflected in an emotional-conflict form. In this case, the possible “narrowing of consciousness” suppresses in individuals a sense of common sense, leads to an inadequate assessment of the possible consequences of the conflict, and victory over the opponent often turns out to be “Pyrrhic victory”. The ability to prevent and stop conflicts is a basic skill of the penitentiary organs and institutions staff that work with convicts and it is a part of the conflicting competencies of the State Criminal Execution Service employee of Ukraine.

But it is not always possible in the context of penitentiary institutions and investigative isolators to identify conflicts in time, which is explained by their latent character. This task facilitates the ability to use socio-psychological methods for studying conflicts, also described in this article.

Improving the effectiveness of social and psychological work in places of deprivation of liberty, taking various measures to adapt prisoners and reduce relapse of crime, increase the conflict competence of staff forces to take into account all the groups of factors that affect the emergence of conflict situations in places of deprivation of liberty.

Key words: conflict, conflict competence, reasons and dynamics of conflicts, penitentiary institutions, investigative isolators, convicts.



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