Author (s): Kulinska A., Gulen O.

Work place:

Kulinska A.,

Grand PhD in Economic Sciences, Professor,

Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa,Ukraine

Gulen O.,

Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa,Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2019. № 2 (3): 92–108


It has been determined that the determining role in the formation and implementation of the mechanism of state influence on the development of regional investment policy in Ukraine belongs to the investment climate, which is a combination of political, legal or economic conditions that ensure and facilitate the investment activities of domestic or foreign investors. Thus, it is noted that the state should contribute to the formation of an attractive investment climate and guarantee foreign investors the inviolability of their fixed capital or the possibility of returning it with profit.

It is substantiated that among the main reasons for the unattractiveness of the Ukrainian investment climate, experts call the slow pace of reforming both the national economy and the legislative framework, the difficult preconditions for foreign investors to enter the regions, the distribution of domestic private or public investments is not rational, and the unfavorable investment climate in Ukraine can be explained the inability of the state to provide financing for those business entities that could not invested from private sources.

It was found that development and implementation of the mechanism of state influence on the formation of investment policy of regional development in Ukraine is impossible without the subsequent structural-forming element as the movement of investments into the state or beyond through the stock market, since it is through the mechanisms of the stock market that the supply or demand for investment resources is formed accumulation or redistribution for the purposes of economic growth, that is a movement of capital through the circulation of various s securities and their derivatives.

Measures to reduce the impact of threats to the implementation of the regional investment policy are systematized, which can lead not only to a deterioration of the already, not very attractive investment climate in Ukraine, a decrease in the dynamics of the index of investment attractiveness and the movement of investments in Ukraine or abroad through the securities market and to call into question the implementation of the priority directions of state policy in relation to improving the market infrastructure of the stock market, so it is one of the conceptual provisions of the national economic management system.

Key words: investment climate, methodological approaches, public administration mechanism, national economy, regional policy.


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