Author (s): Bykonia O.

Work place:

Bykonia O. P.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, docent,

Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service,Chernihiv, Ukraine;

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2019. № 2 (3): 7–19


The article substantiates the peculiarities of formation of students of economic specialties of learning and strategic competence during their independent self-study work in studying English, first of all, Business English. The article takes into account the specifics of the teaching future economists English and Business English. It is noted that this competence includes learning and strategic competences. The contents of learning and strategic competence include knowledge (about educational styles, individual psychological peculiarities, different types of strategies), skills and abilities (to realize goals of English-speaking business communication, to adopt speech behavior to improve the efficiency of English business communication). It is identified the types of strategies: learning, communicating and strategies for using English in various types of speech activities. Future economists’ mastering English learning and strategic competence as a compound of English communicative competence in Business communication during the organization of their self-study work allows graduates to organize their successful studying and to reach the level of advanced independent user (Vantage B2.2). The learning and strategic competence formation is a gradual process.  It is pointed that a significant increase in students’ autonomy is envisaged, which is logically realized in the ability to organize their own independent activities and reflect on the causes of its success or failure, which is especially important for their future activities. Mastering this competence is carried out in the process of active learning activities, along with the acquisition of linguistic, speech and linguistic and socio-cultural competencies. At the end of the article, it is determined that students should be able and knowledgeable at the end of studying Business English in order to master their learning and strategic competence.

Key words: learning and strategic competence, future economists, English, Business English, English communicative competence.


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