Author (s): Shumeiko Z.E.

Work place:

Shumeiko Z.E.,

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor;

Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Humanities,

Penitentiary Academy of Ukraine

(Honcha street, 34, Chernihiv, 14000, Ukraine,

E-mail: zina1906@ukr.net)

ORCID:0000-0003-2705 0924


Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2024. № 1 (12): 380–390



The article substantiates the role of Ukrainian terminology in the professional speech of future specialists of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine. The role of scientific terminology in the formation of professional competence of future specialists of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine was clarified for this and it was established that the oral and written speech of a specialist is an important indicator of the level of professional competence formation, and more than 60% of the professional vocabulary of a specialist of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine make up special industry terms.

The professional and terminological competence of a specialist of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine is characterized, the formation of which requires perfect knowledge of professional terminology and fluency in it at a high professional level, the ability to correctly and appropriately use terminology in professional communication, in oral and written professional communication in accordance with regulatory requirements.

It has been established that the choice of methods, techniques, and means of education for the mastering of scientific terms by future penitentiary specialists must be carefully and well-argued, because it significantly affects the effectiveness of terminology assimilation, and therefore, the level of formation of professional terminological competence.

Optimal teaching methods and technologies for effective mastering of scientific terminology by future specialists have been determined, including interactive information-communication and simulation-role technologies, creative tasks, as well as work with text and reference sources, tasks for translating professional texts, creating infographics, memes, interactive posters etc. They enable the teacher to control the level of assimilation of knowledge of scientific terminology by students, to motivate them to master professional terminology, and to increase the efficiency of the educational process as a whole.

Key words: professional and terminological competence, terminology, methods, future penitentiary specialists, education seekers.


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