Author (s): Barakhta V.V.

Work place:

Barakhta V.V.,

Senior lecturer of the Department of

Formation and Development of Professional Competency of the

Personnel of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine,

Penitentiary Academy of Ukraine,

(Honcha street, 34, Chernihiv, 14000, Ukraine,

e-mail: v.barakhta77@gmail.com)

ORCID: 0000-0003-2627-8839


Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2024. № 1 (12): 28–39



The upward trend in the number of persons subject to court orders to draw up a pre-trial report against persons accused of committing criminal offenses against the foundations of national security of Ukraine, as well as the convictions of such persons, prompts research into the social and psychological causes of such crimes and the development of probation programs to influence such persons socially and educationally.

The purpose of the article is to define and study the general theoretical and practical aspects of the work of probation authorities with persons accused of collaboration or convicted of such crimes through the prism of social and educational measures.

Research methodology is based on modern scientific approaches to the development of thinking, assessment of psychological actions of the individual, active cognition and assessment of the impact on behavioral change of individuals of different psychotypes.

Results of the study. The reasons for the collaboration activities of persons against whom charges of criminal offenses against the foundations of national security of our country have been made are highlighted. The author characterizes the typology of behavioral profiles in accordance with the combination of traits-indicators of collaborators, certain socio-psychological signs of behavior of collaborators, and also identifies individual differences of collaborators and their behavioral profile.

Conclusions. The study proves the need for further in-depth study of the behavioral patterns of collaborators, as well as their involvement in socially important processes through certain probationary actions and programs.

Key words: collaborationism, collaboration activity, behavioral profile of a collaborator, probation program, training, risk assessment.


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