Author (s): Sorokopud V.B., Tkachenko І.V., Honchar V.V.

Work place:

Sorokopud V.B.,

Senior lecturer,

Department of Physical Training,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Ukraine;

ORCID: 0000-0002-8842-4531


Tkachenko І.V.,

Deputy Head of the Department of Physical Training,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Ukraine;

ORCID: 0000-0002-4621-777х


Honchar V.V.,

Senior lecturer,

Department of Physical Training,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Ukraine;

ORCID: 0000-0002-2500-1902


Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2022. № 1(8): 169–181


The article highlights the results of the analysis of the physical training of personnel, their ability to respond in a timely and competent manner to the manifestations of aggression of convicts and work clearly with knowledge and skills of tactics to ensure personal life and health.

The purpose of the article is to identify new areas of improving the professional competence of the State Criminal and Executive Service personnel of Ukraine to preserve health and life in emergency situations during official and professional activities.

Methodology of the article. Analysis of standards and training programs for physical training of the Criminal and Executive personnel of Ukraine, their compliance with modern requirements in the field of encuring health and life of personnel during their service and professional tasks in emergency situations. The main factor influencing the improvement of training programs for physical training of future officers and personnel of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine is the development of physical skills in choosing tactics of personnel in aggressive behavior of convicts, mass disobedience, riots, etc., competent steps to preserve health or save lives. .

Results. The reasons that really become threatening due to the nature of the impact on the health and life of the State Criminal and Executive Servise personnel of Ukraine during the performance of official activities have been identified.

The existing approach to the issues of professional training, in particular physical and special physical training of both future and current officers, personnel of penitentiary institutions, correctional colonies of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine has been revised. In this context, it is proposed to review the training and normative indicators set for the personnel of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine regarding physical training in the general system of vocational training of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine in accordance with the Regulations on training of rank and command staff of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine.

The practical significance of the obtained results is that they allow the teacher to improve the method of forming the professional competence of the personnel of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine in tactics, technology of skills for encuring health and life in emergencies that occur during service and professional activities.

Key words: personnel, professional competence, health competence, standards of physical training, tactics of professional competence formation.


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