Author (s): Shumeiko Z. Ye.

Work place:

Shumeiko Z. Ye.

Ph.D. in pedagogical sciences,

Docent of Department of education and the Humanities,

Academy of State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2018. № 1 (1): 142–150


The article deals with the issues of determining the essence and structure of the language communicative competence of the employees of the State criminal executive service of Ukraine. The author studies the problem of defining the concepts “competence”, “communicative competence”, “language communicative competence” in scientific works, investigates this issue in historical retrospective and modern state documents. Shumeiko Z. Ye. offers the actual formulation of the term “language communicative competence of the employees of the State criminal executive service”, the essence of which is the ability to use the norms of the Ukrainian literary language in the field of scientific and professional activity, the proper level of the communicative skills, the ability to analyze own and foreign expressions, the knowledge of the professional discourse, the value relation to the language, the corresponding way of thinking, world outlook. It has been found out that the language communicative competence of the employees of the State criminal executive service requires certain formation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of specially organized training. The article also describes its components in the context of the development of the linguistic culture of the future specialists, in particular the communicative features and abilities of the individual; knowledge of norms and rules of communication, ethical standards of the professional activity; knowledge of the aesthetic and moral values, cultural traditions, age, intellectual and other characteristics of communication partners; the ability to listen and respond to the heard, that is, to maintain feedback; the orientation and stability of attention, the presence of visual contact, the ability to use elements of non-verbal communication; the level of speech culture.

Key words: the employees of the State criminal executive service, the professional competence, the language communicative competence, the linguistic culture.


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