Author (s): Rudenok A.I., Petyak O.V., Igumnova O.B.

Work place:

Rudenok A.I.,

PhD. in Psychology, Assistant Professor,

Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine;

ORCID: 0000-0003-1197-0646

Petyak O.V.,

PhD. in Psychology, Senior Lecturer,

Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine;

ORCID: 0000-0002-0635-493X

Igumnova O.B.,

PhD. in Psychology, Assistant Professor,

Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine;

ORCID: 0000-0002-4758-2082

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2021. № 2(7): 137–151


The article reveals the problem of psychological violence in the family and considers the gender aspects of the manipulative phenomenon of gaslighting. Manipulations are aimed at forcing other people to perform exactly the actions that the manipulator needs. These actions lead to certain consequences that the manipulator wants to get in accordance with his motives. In a family relationship, the gaslight partner does not care what the victim partner wants and aspires to. It is important to him that others obey. Because the victim partner does not always agree to submit to this pressure, the gaslighter uses manipulation to indirectly influence the motivation, decisions and actions of the victim partner. Manipulative techniques are often veiled in such a way that the victim cannot understand the harmful effects that the partner has on him.

The aim of the study was to study the concept of “gaslighting” in the environment of interpersonal relationships of marital partners; studies of gender features of gaslighting; identification of verbal and nonverbal means of manipulation characteristic of a gaslighter; development of practical recommendations on ways to counteract the gaslighter.

The results of our study showed that destructive statements to victim partners characterize the specifics of gaslighting as a kind of psychological, emotional violence in family relationships. Women are more told about their mental illness, inferiority, humiliation, success. Men in their address more often hear from partners statements about the wrong perception of reality. The most common manifestations of gaslighting in the family relationships of respondents are: humiliation of the person by the partner, devaluation of feelings and the importance of important events, as well as the transfer of responsibility to the partner. Regarding the manipulative actions used by gaslight partners towards the respondents, we highlighted accusations from partners, ignoring feelings, verbal insults and rejection of the lifestyle of partner victims. The key strategies for resolving family conflicts that respondents use are rivalries and adaptations. In general, based on the results, we found that there is no gender variation in the use of gaslighting by marital partners in family relationships – since both women and men are equally faced with the manifestations of this phenomenon in the family

Key words: gaslighting, manipulator, gaslighter partner, victim partner, psychological violence, family relations.


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