Author (s): Razumeyko N. S., Тkachenko О. G.

Work place:

Razumeyko N. S.

Ph.D. in pedagogical sciences,

Head of Department of education and the Humanities,

Academy of State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;

Тkachenko О. G.

Ph.D. in juridical sciences,

Head of the Faculty,

Academy of State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: Englis

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2018. № 1 (1): 162–168


Research to study the state of posture (frontal plane) children enrolled in the CEI. In study 620 students participated in Chernihiv enrolled school-lyceum № 32. We analyzed the medical school maps and instrumental examination conducted these children qualified doctors. After instrumental examination in children was found expressed posture close to the group of patients with scoliosis I degree in 15,5 % of cases. Scoliotic deformation degree I–II met in 7, 5 % of cases. To determine the objective evaluation of the results considering the etiology and pathogenesis of scoliotic disease we analyzed the distribution of patients by sex and age. And it was found that spinal curvature is more common in girls aged 12 to 15 years, with right-sided distortion curve dominates both boys and girls.

The results say that the posture and scoliosis I degree orthopedic pathology is dominant in schools. Therefore necessary to strengthen measures to prevent the progression of scoliotic deformation and its consequences.

Key words: scoliosis, scoliotic deformity, children, school, torsion, correction.


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