Author (s): Lilik О.O., Shumeiko Z.Ye.

Work place:

Lilik О.O.,

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor,

Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature,

  1. H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”

(53 Hetmana Polubotka Street, Chernihiv, 14000, Ukraine,


ORCID: 0000-0002-5187-1944;


Shumeiko Z.Ye.,

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Humanitarian Sciences,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service

(34 Honcha Street, Chernihiv, 14000, Ukraine,


ORCID: 0000-0003-2705 0924


Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2023. № 2 (11): 125–135


The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of the creativity formation of higher education students within the educational discipline “Ukrainian language for professional purposes”. To achieve the goal, a complex of general scientific (analysis of scientific literature, generalization and systematization, comparison of scientific views) and pedagogical (modeling of educational situations, observation of the educational process, development and testing of the system of tasks) methods was used.

It has been proven that the creativity formation of higher education students by means of the educational course “Ukrainian language for professional purposes” requires a scientifically based approach of the teacher to the methodological tools selection. In this context, traditional and innovative teaching methods were divided into several groups: the first group included methods aimed at developing the emotional and volitional sphere of future specialists; the second group includes methods that involve the activation and strengthening of already formed motives, the transformation of external stimuli into the inner sphere of the individual, their transformation into motives. The third group of methods involves orientation to the cognitive sphere of the individual, and therefore, these methods are aimed at finding and assimilating information, and forming skills and abilities to analyze works of various types of art, and expanding erudition. The fourth group included methods, the purpose of which was the formation of practical skills and skills in operating various educational materials, transmitting information using various means of broadcasting and its representation. The fifth group includes methods of a reflective nature, aimed at forming the ability to evaluate one’s own activity, existing knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as actualization and development of students’ ability to self-control and self-evaluation in various activities. It was found that the effectiveness of the creativity formation of higher education students depends on the optimal selection and combination of methods, taking into account the principles of individualization and differentiation.

Key words: creativity, higher education students, methods, educational discipline, tasks.


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  2. Honcharenko, S. U. (1997), Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary, Kyiv.
  3. Lilik, O., Byvalkevych, L. and Perynskyi, Yu. (2022), “The influence of social reflection on the professional communication of a teacher of a pedagogical institution of higher education”, Bulletin of the T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv collegium», Issue 18 (174), pp. 129–137.
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  5. Myloslavskyi, I. H. (2009), “Creative or artistic?” Izvestiia, р. 3.
  6. Fromm, Е. (2021), A healthy society, Kyiv.
  7. Shumeiko, Z. Ye. and Moshta, I. M. (2021), Ukrainian language (by professional orientation) : teaching method. manual (course of lectures), Chernihiv, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service.


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