Author (s): Hnydiuk O.P.

Work place:

Hnydiuk O.P.,


Senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Training and Personal Security,

Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Ukraine;

ORCID: 0000-0003-3154-1697


Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2022. № 1 (8): 69–80


Given the transformation of Ukraine’s military education system, the experience of professional and physical training of officer personnel at military educational institutions in Great Britain is of particular interest.

The aim of this article is to summarize the organizational and pedagogical foundations of the professional and physical training of British Armed Forces officers.

The British Armed Forces are one of the largest armed forces in Europe; they are fully professional and voluntary. Although Britain’s national security concept includes an emphasis on countering the new threats of the information age, physical training of officers in military education institutions is a priority.

It has been established that the United Kingdom has accumulated innovative experience that can be used to develop a system of continuous physical training of border guard officers. In particular, physical training of officers in British military education institutions remains a priority. Physical training programs for officers of the British Armed Forces include general gymnastics, athletics, swimming, soccer, boxing, and judo. In addition, in ground units designed for direct participation in combat operations, physical training programs are supplemented by overcoming obstacles and learning hand-to-hand combat techniques. A compulsory element is the so-called adventure course, covering a set of techniques and actions for moving on difficult terrain, overcoming natural and artificial obstacles in the conditions of tactical tasks.

Physical training of future police officers in training centers is practice-oriented. This is a short and medium-distance running, the ability to use special techniques when detaining suspicious persons, etc.

Key words: physical training system, officers, military schools and colleges, military education, British Armed Forces, sports.


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