Author (s): Gerasymova E., Doniі N.          

Work place:

Gerasymova E.,

Grand PhD in Philosophy Sciences, Professor,

National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine;

Doniі N.,

Grand PhD in Philosophy Sciences, Associate Professor,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: English

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2019. № 1 (2): 168–177


Modern social space amazes by its own diversity, eclecticism, dynamism and originality of processes that form the space through determining a new character of relationship and activity. In this frame many phenomena, well-known since ancient times or appeared recently, force the individual to build his/her own life in a new way and to hierarchize own aspirations. Among causes that constantly make the individual adjust to social space requirements should be mentioned psychologisation, the tendency to enhance space of psychological knowledge effect and to wind it into the design of daily occurrence.

Objective of the study is to present the results of reflection of psychological study development during the 20th and the 21th centuries as the process that allowed talking about social space as the territory of psychology planning. The method is – analyzing the genesis and demonstration of psychologisation as a process.

It has been pointed out that Psychology proclaimed the individual as a prime cause, the domination of psychoanalytic position «life as a thing in itself» removed social factor from the circle of paramount importance in this problem solving. No wonder, it provoked the fact that psychological practice was not able to reduce alienation and even more its expansion was enhancing the distance between the individual and social space and indirectly affected alienation and disintegration growth. It has been stated that psychologists who are trying to cure the individual, on the contrary, further enhance those qualities that arise the problem of the desire to be atomized and alien. In addition to alienation, the consistent psychologisation of social space caused the experience of troubles as a personal problem and formed adjustment for the probability of its solution in non-social ways, which legitimized loneliness, despair and anxiety in individuals’ lives. It has been concluded that psychologisation cannot be read uniquely as a positive moment. Positivy is that psychologisation provides individuals more efficient tools to self-knowledge and life-cognition in social space, but negativity is that the magnitude of the penetration of Psychology indirectly led to social disintegration, and social space instead of a mentally healthy and socially active person received the growth in the number of mental illnesses and sensitively incompetent individuals. The importance of psychologisation expansion bounding has been emphasized.

Key words: social space, Psychology, psychologisation, emptiness, alienation, indifference.


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