Author (s):  Donii N. Ye.

Work place:

Donii N. Ye.,

Doctor of Sciences (Phylosophy), Professor,

Professor of the Department of Economy and Social Disciplines,

Academy of the State penitentiary service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;

ORCID: 0000-0001-7933-887X

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2020.

№ 2(5): 80–93



The author of the article draws attention to the fact that the relevance of the research is due to the need to describe hermeneutics as a method of humanitarian knowledge and methodology that is most often used in the sociohumanities, as well as the fact about the borer of XX-XXI centuries which raised to a new level of humanitarian knowledge under the slogan of anthropological appeal.

The purpose of the research is to identify the main specific features of hermeneutic methodology in the space of sociohumanities.

The results of the study. The method of hermeneutics unfolds gradually and among the practical and theoretical needs that influenced its development are: the demands of ancient Greek society; transformation of Christianity into the dominant religion; separation in modern times, in independent scientific fields, politics, economics, psychology, etc.; demand for translations from classical dead languages into living languages of literary, philosophical and historical monuments; actualization of interest in history, linguistics in connection with the awareness of the importance of preserving the authority of humanitarian knowledge. It is also noted that the method of hermeneutics received a powerful impetus for the further “occupation” of new areas due to the transformation of social space into an information society, where communication and dialogue began to determine the success of the results of such interaction.

Conclusion. At the time of its origin, hermeneutics was presented as the art of interpreting and understanding texts, and over time it became seen as a variant of the search for truth and a scientific method. Tracing the development of hermeneutics, it is indicated that hermeneutics has never been an abstract theory, but has always accompanied the social activities of people to find solutions to life’s issues. The special popularity of hermeneutics is that it is recognized as an effective universal sociohumanitarian methodology, which is associated with: 1) understanding as comprehension of the studied objects – processes, objects and actions and various texts; 2) interpretation, the task of which is to help understand the text and its value; 3) application as a condition that the distance between the situation of text creation and the time of its interpretation is overcome due to the efforts of the interpreter.

Key words: understanding, hermeneutics, text, interpretation, sociohumanities, interpreter, application.


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