Author (s): Danylchenko T. V.

Work place:

Danylchenko T. V.,

Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Assistant Professor;

Professor of the Department of Psychology;

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;

ORSID: 0000-0001-8809-0132

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2021. № 2 (7): 60–74


The article notes the features of the consultative and therapeutic process in positive psychology. The article makes the analysis of the fundamental works of Pezeshkina N.P. on positive psychotherapy, Fava J. and Ruini K. on the well-being therapy, and the works of Sin N.L. and Lubomyrskyi S. on the theory of psychological interventions, Parks A.S. and Biswas-Diner R. on models of self-help. The main characteristics of positive psychological interventions are considered. As a means of influence, such characteristics must turn to the constructs of positive psychology, as well as to have scientific evidence of their effectiveness.

The following features of the consultative and therapeutic process are revealed. The purpose and means are: according to the hedonistic paradigm it is changing the focus of the client’s vision of the situation to a more positive one; in the eudemonic paradigm the emphasis is on self-determination and the achievement of personal authenticity by personality. It is believed that the resources of achieving well-being in a person are sufficient. Accordingly, “hedonists” believe that the key point is to increase positive affect through the development of positive thinking, optimism, and taste skills. The eudemonists see the approach to their identity through meditation, the development of abilities for self-expression. The role of the consultant in in following: to act as an informed communicator, to help the client to focus on his strengths (virtues). The counselor / psychotherapist does not look for the source of problems in the past, but focuses on the present and future of the client, identifies factors that prevent the latter from transforming the life situation in the desired direction in the current moment of life. The role of life’s difficulties is such: the problem is not treated as a difficult life task that needs to be solved and it is necessary to get out of the comfort zone, but as an opportunity for the client to improve his own personality.

Psychological practice should take into account the cultural specificity of views on happiness, well-being and criteria of psychological comfort.

Key words: positive psychology, well-being therapy, positive therapy, subjective well-being, positive psychology intervention.


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