Author (s): Bodnarchuk V. V.

Work place:

Bodnarchuk V.V.,

Poat graduate of the Department of Practical Psychology and Pedagogy,

Lviv State University of Life Safety

(35 Kleparivska Street, Lviv, 79007, Ukraine,

e-mail: bodnarchuk-vkrorja@ukr.net)

ORCID ID 0000-0001-9029-6113


Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences 2023. № 2 (11): 26–36



The specificity of the work of civil defense specialists, their activities in conditions of danger, uncertainty, unexpected changes in circumstances, the need for constant analysis of large volumes of information, intense attention, high responsibility for the results of assigned tasks actualize the problems of forming socially and professionally important qualities of a personality while training these specialists at higher education institutions.

The purpose of the article is to systematize and classify the socially and professionally important qualities of future civil defense specialists

Methodology. The analysis of scientific works on the research problem proved that, despite the variety of approaches to defining the essence of socially and professionally important qualities, the key statement is that these qualities are formed in the process of activity and have a decisive influence on its productivity and efficiency.

Results. Socially and professionally important qualities of a civil defense specialist are defined as a set of individual typological, socially determined personality properties that reflect the level of their professional readiness to work in operational and rescue units, as well as specific character traits that determine the success in educational and further professional activities. Based on the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research issues, six groups of socially and professionally important qualities of civil defense specialists were singled out, namely: intellectual and cognitive; mnemic; emotional and volitional; organizational and managerial; communicative and psychophysiological ones.

Value (originality). It is concluded that, taking into account the fact that some of these qualities are natural and relatively stable, the purposeful formation and improvement of qualities that need to be developed should be carried out not only during professional training, but also by means of non-formal education.

Key words: professional training, civil defense specialists, socially and professionally important qualities, classification of socially and professionally important qualities of personality.


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